Is Your House Ready to Rent?


Is Your House Ready to Rent?

You’ve just bought an investment property, or perhaps you've decided to move out of your humble abode and place into the Perth rental market. Now all you need to do is call a property manager and get tenants, right? Wrong! You may think your house is perfect, however there’s some preparations you need to make to ensure your home is rent ready.

Broken? Fix it!
Rent ready means exactly that – ready! Whether it’s a broken flyscreen or leaky taps, these are all things you must fix before looking for tenants. Common problems for renters include: hot water systems not working, ovens breaking down or keys not working. Don’t forget outside, make sure those fences, broken tiles, flaking paint or the rundown garden and lawn are up to scratch.

Get a Better Return on Your Investment
When a property is up to scratch, there are less hassles for all parties involved. Just imagine – a whole lease without phone calls between you, the property manager and tenants to organise maintenance for something that could have been prevented!

Clean it
Your property needs a big clean before you rent it out, including:
• carpets;
• curtains and blinds;
• flyscreens;
• windows;
• rubbish bins;
• garage and more.

Are you up to date with your requirements for current compliance and regulations? This can include RCD and smoke alarms, pool requirements, minimum safety standard, blind compliance and legal documentations. Does the property meet electrical and water efficiency standards under your local Residential Tenancies Act? Check the laws relevant to your property with our expert Property Management team today, and take the stress out of your investment.